Our Classes

A Basic Amateur Radio Qualification course is offered by the Barrie Amateur Radio Club once each year (starting in January), contact the club (hamcourse@barriearc.com) if you are interested.

The upcoming basic course will start on January 15th, 2025 at 7pm using Google Meet video conferencing. The course is approximately 10 Wednesday evenings long with each class from 7pm until about 9pm. The final exam will be held on 19 March.

Total cost is $110. This includes the reference book Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Qualification Study Guide - 9th edition, a USB memory stick with student notes and several GB of files about various aspects of ham radio, testing by an I.S.E.D. Accredited Examiner, and a free full membership to our club (for the remainder of the membership year) for those successfully obtaining their call sign. If you already have a copy of the Coax Publications reference book, then the total cost will be $60.

In 2017 14 people completed the class and obtained their basic licenses.
In 2018 there were 16 new hams created,
in 2019 there were 21 people who successfully completed the course and got their call sign.
In 2020 there were 16
in 2021 there were 19 who became hams.
In the 2022 class there were 27 new hams
In 2023 there were 18 new hams
In 2024 there were 22 new hams

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